Silly to let the part that feels and dreams steer the metal. How menial! Yet some still choose this drudgery, lashing their higher functions to the turning wheel.
Ink on paper
10 x 7 inches
LCD monitor, acrylic painted pine, plywood, collected seashells and ephemera, cg animation
16×20 inches
Mixed-Media animation I made for Ben Copperhead’s great song, “Copperhead Vagabond”. #animation #mixedmediaanimation #cg #stopmotion
Crypto-donkey in a parched landscape. Happy New Year.
10 by 7
ink and colored pencil on paper
#lunarnewyear #electionyear #coloredpencildrawing #drawing #inkonpaper
SpoLiGo-Type Array
acrylic on plywood, galvanized-steel wire,epoxy resin, and found objects in a free-standing screen, mixed-media animation on dual monitors
60 by 45 by 15 inches, 5 minute looping animation
SpoLiGo-Type Array (2023) combines a two-channel video and a sculptural screen into the representation of a human body through the abstract idiom of medical visualizations. Named after one of techniques involved in gene editing, this work is also meant to illicit the human microbiome, imagining human identity as a non-monolithic ecosystem in which various interests collaborate and compete.
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